For Realtors
We understand that your job as a realtor is to develop relationships that lead to referrals and [most importantly] to make money - we are here to help you do that! HAWK Interiors offers the following design services curated specifically for realtors so you can look even better for your clients.
You're selling and showing a home that you know needs some updating and you would like some additional (wo)man power to paint a picture of potential for your buyers - We partner with you to provide design consulting by walking through a home in need of updates or renovations and create a vision for what could be with your client to help them see how specific structural and/or cosmetic design updates could make an otherwise less attractive home become their dream home. Sometimes it is challenging for a buyer to see the potential and we are here to provide that expertise.
Design Fee : $250+
You've just sold a home and the buyer tells you they would like to to update the home and/or purchase new furniture, décor, and lighting - that's where we come in! Referrals are our bread and butter and we love to make you look good by being a resource in providing your client with a team who will provide exceptional full design services ranging from an entire room to an entire home. Whether they are looking to update cosmetically or structurally, we have relationships with vendors, builders, sub-contractors and architects throughout Oregon and will help them create a more beautiful space than they thought they could ever have.
Initial Design Consultation Fee : $250
Hourly Design Fees : $100-$175/hr
At this time, HAWK Interiors does not currently keep inventory for general home staging. We do, however offer staging services for sellers/owners who are interested in purchasing the furniture and décor as a part of the sale of the home or for a model home that is a part of a larger development.
Check out one of our staged homes
Hourly Design Fees : $100-$175/hr
You're listing a home that you aren't confident will show very well and would like to suggest some ways to improve the odd of the sale. We will meet with a seller to suggest minimal décor and/or cosmetic improvements to make a home more marketable. Whether that means painting, rearranging existing furniture, flooring updates, or other minor renovations, we will help improve the aesthetic of their home to improve interest so you can move on to your next sale.
Design Fee : $250+